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Is BG3 Crossplay?

Is Baldur’s Gate 3 Crossplay? Cross-Platform Features for PlayStation, Xbox, & PC Explained

Baldur’s Gate 3 (BG3) by Larian Studios has captivated players across PlayStation, Xbox, and PC, drawing them into a world of intricate party mechanics and deep storytelling. But a common question arises: Is Baldur’s Gate 3 crossplay enabled? Then answer is no, not yet.

Understanding whether you can join forces with friends across different platforms is essential for planning your multiplayer adventures.

Here’s everything you need to know about crossplay and cross-platform features in BG3.

Is Crossplay Available in Baldur’s Gate 3?

As of now, Baldur’s Gate 3 (BG3) does not support crossplay, but the developers have confirmed that it’s on the horizon. In an April 2024 community update, Larian Studios announced that they are "actively working on bringing Crossplay and a Photo Mode to BG3." However, the complexity of these features means they won’t be available immediately—expect them to roll out later this year, likely around the time of Patch 7.

Larian’s Head of Publishing, Michael Douse, has also mentioned that crossplay was always part of the plan for BG3, even during early development. While they have a target timeframe, they’re holding off on announcing a specific release date until they are confident it’s ready. So, for now, players will have to wait a bit longer before they can embark on cross-platform adventures.

It’s worth noting that if you’re playing on PC, whether through Windows or Mac, you can still team up with friends regardless of whether you’re using GoG or Steam.

Does Baldur’s Gate 3 Have Cross-Platform Progression?

Yes! Baldur’s Gate 3 (BG3) does support cross-platform progression. This means that your game progress can seamlessly transfer across PC, Mac, PS5, and Xbox Series X|S. Whether you’re diving into a dungeon on your console or exploring Faerûn on your PC, your story progression stays intact, allowing you to switch platforms without losing any progress.

What’s Next?

While we eagerly await the arrival of crossplay in BG3, the availability of cross-platform progression already provides significant flexibility for players who enjoy gaming on multiple devices. Keep an eye on official updates from Larian Studios for the latest news on when crossplay will be available.

Can’t wait for Patch 7? Check out our range of BG3 T-shirts , BG3 mugs and gifts for sale, perfect for any true fan of Baldur’s Gate 3.

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