what are temporary hit points in d&d 5e?

What Are Temporary Hit Points in D&D 5e?

What Are Temporary Hit Points in D&D 5e?

Temporary hit points, or "temp HP," add an absorbing damage mechanic to D&D 5e. This concept, common in video games, brings a unique twist to tabletop RPGs. Temp HP can act as a buffer in combat, offering players extra protection.

Think of temp HP as secondary HP. Once gained, it absorbs damage first. Damage reduces the temp HP before affecting the character’s regular HP. Temp HP lasts until the end of your next long rest unless specified otherwise by the spell or feature granting it.

What Temporary Hit Points Can’t Do

Cannot Restore a Creature at 0 Hit Points

Temp HP cannot revive a creature at 0 HP. It can only provide a buffer against further damage.

Cannot Be Stacked

Temp HP cannot be stacked. You can only take the higher value if you receive more temp HP.

Cannot Be Restored

Once lost, temp HP cannot be recovered by any means. You can only gain more if it exceeds your current temp HP.

Thematic Uses of Temporary Hit Points

Temp HP isn't restricted to any class or archetype. Various sources can provide temp HP, each with unique flavour:

  • Necromancers: Dark energy fields that absorb attacks.
  • Divine Casters: Holy barriers that shrink with damage.
  • Fighting Spirit or Adrenaline: Pushing past limits or receiving inspiration from allies.
Common Sources of Temporary Hit Points

False Life – Level 1 Spell

Sorcerers and wizards often use the False Life spell for a temporary 6.5 HP buffer. Warlocks can use the Fiendish Vigour invocation to cast False Life at will, which is particularly useful early in the game.

College of Glamour – Bard Archetype

Bards in the College of Glamour can use Mantle of Inspiration to give temporary hit points to multiple creatures along with other benefits.

Inspiring Leader – Feat

Anyone with a Charisma score of 13+ can take the Inspiring Leader feat. This feat allows you to give temporary hit points to up to six allies after a 10-minute speech, recharging on a short rest.

Temp Hit Points In a Nut Shell

Temporary hit points act as a buffer for your HP, protecting your character from damage. While they can't revive a character at 0 HP, they offer significant strategic advantages. Various classes and feats provide temp HP, adding depth and flavor to gameplay. A dedicated support caster or more spells focusing on temp HP could bring this mechanic into the spotlight.

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